Friday, May 6, 2011


hahaha I cracked up as I titled this post. I mean I'm feeling flawless..really? Quite the opposite end of the spectrum from yesterday when I was feeling, "weighty." Funny the dramatic change in my mood. I will tell you I am not without weight today, but I feel just a tiny bit less bound by my own chains today than yesterday. My feelings of flawlessness come not from an arrogance of who I am in myself, but how I am seen in the eyes of my sweet King. I came across a verse today that has always been one I run to. Actually I didn't so much come across it, as I thought of it this morning and it has been sweetly resonating with me all day long. When every flaw within me seems like its staring me straight in the face, this is how Jesus looks at me. Song of Solomon 4:7 You are all beautiful my darling, there is no flaw in you. The God of this universe knows where i'm walking. He knows all that I'm carrying. He knows how much I judge myself. He knows my heart. This verse stirs up so much affection in me for Him..that He might give me a picture of how He sees that at any given moment in my day I can stop, and reflect on His great love for me. I can just have peace in knowing that my God sees me as beautiful, even though i'm sweet it is to be loved by Him. In the madness of my day to day life, I love to stop and reflect on what the Cross of Christ means for me..that i'm purchased. He wanted me so much for Himself that even though He knew my future sin He bound me to Himself with His blood. What a freedom we have in Him, we dont have to work to get Him, to somehow achieve His love, its just freely given.

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